
I use numerology method called "Matrix of your soul", which is based of
numerology and 22 Tarot Energies. The calculation is made based on
numerology and transcription is done based of Tarot Energies. Matrix of your
soul is a unique method of self-knowledge, which gives you a full spectrum of
information about who you are. This analysis contains information about
talents, personality, comfort zone, financial karma, financial channel,
relationships, perfect partner, karma from past lives, family relationships and

  • Full "Matrix of your soul analysis"


    Contains information about talents,personality, comfort zone, financial karma, financial channel, relationships,perfect partner, karma from past lives, family relationships and tasks.

  • Personality analysis


    Contains information about how you see yourself andothers see you, your talents, comfort zone ( where your soul strives), Angelenergy ( talent).

  • Finance analysis


    Contains information about your financial karma frompast lives, how to turn those energies into positive aspect, information aboutyour financial channel, how to open, what occupation to choose in order to getfinancial freedom.

  • All about love


    Contains information about love relationships, your idealpartner, what you should do in relationships in order to keep it in harmony.

  • Life mission


    Contains information about your three life missions: personal,social and spiritual and timeframes when they have to be implemented.

  • Family line analysis


    Contains information about parents-kids relationships,tasks, family line talents, strengths and weaknesses, family line karma.

What is needed for any numerology service: date of birth.

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